How to get Google adsense approval in 2022.

Nowadays, everyone working on a website is in a race to get Google Adsense approval because Google Adsense pays you more than any other ad network on the internet.

Whats is Google AdSense?

Google AdSense is an advertising network provided by Google since June 18, 2003. Google Adsense provides you with ad code that you can use to display ads on your website. When someone views these ads or clicks on one of these ads, you will earn money from those views and clicks.

How much does AdSense pay per 1000 Views?

Google pays 68% of its AdSense revenue, so for every $100 an advertiser pays, Google pays $68 to the publisher. The actual prices paid by an advertiser vary, usually between $0.10 and $0.30 per view, but the average is $0.18 per view. On average, a YouTube channel can receive $18 per 1,000 ad views.

How to get AdSense approved on your website?

I will share some tips to get your site approved by AdSense then you can earn money using AdSense ads on your website. When you create a website or blog, you have to keep something in mind.
  1. Best Hosting (Increase AdSense Approval chances)
  2. Top-Level Domain (Increase AdSense Approval chances)
  3. Professionally Design your website or blog.
  4. Write Unique Articles on your website or Blog.
  5. Add legal pages.Use copyright-free images.
  6. Use a professional template for your website or blog. 
  7. Not recommended to use the free template with footer links or themes that redirect to another website.
  8. Proper headings.
  9. Don’t use any copyrighted material or any other content on your website or blog that violates AdSense Policy.
Note: Some people use these suggestions for approval but don't get approved. They make mistakes and end up saying that your post is fake, just running out of time. So please read the post completely.

Let's start with the first tips.

Best hosting:

The best hosting means that the website runs smoothly and opens quickly on the viewers' devices. You can also use free hosting sites like Blogger or Wordpress to create your website or blog. I recommend that you buy hosting with a premium domain as this will increase your chances of AdSense approval.

Top level domain:

Buying a top-level domain is a great idea for a blog or website because using a top-level domain gives a good impression to the audience. If you use a top-level domain for your blog or website, it will look professional and viewers can easily remember the website name and domain name. A top-ranking domain also increases your chances of ranking on Google search results and getting organic traffic.

Give your blog or website a professional look (design):

Giving your website or blog a professional look is very important because if your website looks professional, clean and easy to read and understand, viewers will visit your website again and again when you apply for Google AdSense. If there are, it becomes easier for Google to check you. Website and understand what you have created. Then you can easily navigate your website and check all your layouts and articles, pages. So giving your website or blog a professional look is very important.

Write unique articles.

Write unique articles for your website. If you write a unique article, it will rank faster on Google. Do not use copyrighted material or images on your website. Google Adsense does not like copyrighted content. Copyright content violates Google AdSense policy. They will not approve you if you use copyrighted material on your website.

Add legal pages.

Add legal pages to your website at the top header or footer. You have to create 5 legal pages.
  • About us
  • Contact us.
  • Privacy Policy
  • Disclaimer
  • Site Map

Use copyright free images.

Always use copyright-free images. Do not use images from Google search results. You can use some websites like Pixels (Free Stock Images) which provide you with copyright free images at no charge. You can use these images on your website or  blog and get AdSense approval.
You have to focus on these tips and then apply for AdSense. Do not apply for AdSense if you have already applied and made a mistake. First, correct the error and then reapply for approval. Check your website pages, articles, template, design if everything looks good then apply for adsense.

Website for Free Copyright Image:

"If you have any question related to this article or any other issue with Google Adsense then you can ask me in comment section or reach me through contact us form. I hope you will follow these tips and Google will approve you for AdSense."

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