How to Remove Dryness of Hair in Winter?

There are different types of hair such as dry, oily, mixed, curly, silky and straight. As the sebaceous glands of the skin secrete the same amount of oil, hair types cover the same oil secretion. If these glands produce too much oil, the hair will be greasy. Likewise, if they produce less oil, the hair becomes dull and lifeless. Women with dry hair face a lot of hair problems in winter as the dry air makes their hair look dull and lifeless, which often results in dry hair and scalp. And she gets sick.

Dandruff is the name of a condition that occurs in the scalp, due to which white flakes like husks are formed there. These scales accumulate on the scalp, falling in the form of particles on the scalp. Dandruff can also be described as a type of infection, but it is not correct to think of it as just an infection. It is a problem that often causes embarrassment to a person. When you have dry patches on your cheeks and frequent itchy scalp, you feel socially awkward. Dandruff is a form of headache that affects people all over the world. According to research, twenty percent of all men and women above the age of eighteen suffer from dandruff. Five percent of them suffer from severe dandruff attacks and their scalps are prone to dandruff. Small white patches are visible on their shoulders and shirt collars. For some people, it is a problem that they have been struggling with for years, while for some people, this disease keeps appearing in their heads from time to time.

Vinegar is a natural fat called sebum. Its glands are located just under the skin. Dirt and use of substandard shampoos increase sebum production.

A combination of fungus and sebum is the main cause of dandruff.

It can be understood that the fungus is a kind of fungus, which is also found on the normal scalp and usually does not cause any harm, but the excess oil (sebum) produced by the vinegar skin is great for the fungus. The food is proven and the fungus starts to grow on the scalp. This fungus increases the dead cells that shed from the scalp and the flakes from the dead scalp become a problem. Stress and hormonal changes also contribute to the development of dandruff.

Vinegar treatment for dandruff:

The food a person eats is reflected in his health, hair and skin. This means that the first thing you need to do to get rid of dry skin is to take a look at your diet. Eat a balanced diet that includes zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin E. Maximize water consumption. Reduce the consumption of sugar and its products. According to experts, dryness thrives on sweet and sour foods. So if you follow the above tips, it can help to control dandruff.

Anti-dandruff shampoo:

Generally, people use a good quality anti-dandruff shampoo to control dandruff, which is very effective. While shampooing, massage the scalp thoroughly, so that the scalp along with your hair is clean. Common anti-dandruff shampoos available in the market are effective as long as they are used regularly. As soon as you stop using the anti-dandruff shampoo, the dandruff starts to reappear. If you also have this problem, you should consult a dermatologist for further guidance.

Women with dry hair should shampoo only once a week, especially in winters, and shampoo that is formulated for dry hair and has the ability to provide moisture to your hair and keep it soft and supple.

After shampooing the hair, conditioner must be used. Whether it's hot or cold, conditioner is a must and make it a routine to brush your hair and massage your scalp. This process will activate the oil glands in your scalp and give your hair life and vitality.

Make sure to massage your hair with coconut or almond oil once a week and apply vinegar to your hair with a kotil. After that you should shampoo your hair but be careful that you never wash your hair with hot water. This strips your hair of its moisture and makes your hair more dry.

Do not use rubber band rollers on your hair. This can cause hair breakage and do not back combing.

A proper and healthy nutritious diet plan can help your hair grow beautifully and lustrous. Add butter, cream, eggs, fresh fruits, vegetables, milk, curd, cheese and dry fruits etc. to your diet. Women with dry hair keep your hair dry with hair dryers, straighteners and hair sprays. Whenever you go out in the sun, cover your hair well with a scarf, hat or cap as the sun plays a major role in damaging the hair.

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